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Hi, Amy !! It's me, Daly....the handsome stud formerly known as Aspen. I just wanted to send you a note to say Happy New Year, and let you know that I'm doing GREAT in my new home. I have a 10 year old brother, Hawkins, and we spend hours together wrestling and playing in the back yard. Mom says Hawkins has lost weight since I got here because it's been years since he's had someone to play with. I never got to meet their dog "Basilone", but I'm told she was very frail for years and could not play with Hawkins. Well, I took care of THAT problem. he-he. There are also 9 cats that come and go, so I'm never bored or lonely around here. I used to like to sneak under the fence just like the cats do, but now I'm too big for that. Speaking of big, my parents think I'm part moose. (is that even possible?) The vet thinks I will be "at least" 80 pounds when full grown !! When people meet me, they can't believe I'm only 7 months old. I have huge paws and long, thick legs. And my long tail is quite lethal when I'm happy...which is almost all the time. Mom says I'm the kissing-est dog they've ever had. I even walk up to strangers at the doggie park and give kisses (it's a great way to meet girls !!) My fur has changed, too. I used to have a lighter chocolate and fuzzy fur. But now my fur is a shiny mahogany color, and maybe 2-3 inches long. Getting some white hair in my tail and my bum, too. Needless to say, I get LOTS of compliments. I'm attaching a few pictures at the bottom of this E-mail for you. These pictures were taken in October. I'm a little bigger now, and my hair is a little longer and a smidge darker. I have graduated out of my daytime crate, and I couldn't be happier. I really hated that thing and made quite a fuss about it. Now I am limited to the kitchen-office-mudroom-and powder room area of the house when my parents are gone. I have a babysitter "Joy" that occasionally stops in to visit us during the day, and Ashleigh comes over after school to let us out and throw balls with me. Mom says I'm going to start going to doggie daycare soon because I need to get more tuckered out. Seems she doesn't like the daily 4:00 a.m. reveille !! She says 5:00 is okay, but 4:00 is too early. I'm workin' on it !! I'm trying very hard to be a good boy and have only messed up a few times. But seriously....Dad needed new glasses anyway.....and his cell phone was due for replacement......and I really didn't see the point to having a skirt around the bottom of the couch. That is SO yesterday. Personally, I think the couch looks much better now without it. Otherwise, all is well. I loved my first Christmas and got some really great toys. Had some Christmas tree issues, but that was resolved with a 2 foot tall fence. After the fence went up Buzz, the cat, was kind enough to go in and retrieve things for me. We're such a great team ! Oh, and I've been getting lots and lots of exercise. Mom and I go out almost every day (weather permitting) for a few miles. On the weekends we walk 5+ miles and stop at the doggie park. Mom complains that I spend more time there visiting with the people than with the other dogs, but I can't help myself. I love people. Mom thinks I'd make a great therapy dog. Also, my mother FINALLY got around to signing your guestbook !! Sheesh !! I've been nagging her for weeks, and she finally got that done. Well, that's the latest update from here. I hope you have a very Happy New Year. Say "hi" to all my friends at M.A.R.S. I'll send you more pictures of myself next year after I'm fully grown. My birthday is May 20th, so I'll be sure to send you some pictures from my birthday party !! Take care. Love, Daly.

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